I thought it was about time I posted some of the random little functions I've created in SQL that I use now and then.
So here's the first. It's very easy in SQL to get a week number (1..53) from a date - just use "datepart". However doing the reverse isn't. Say, for instance you wanted to know what the date was at the start of week 27 in 2012. How would you go about working that out? Here's my solution.
Just supply the function with the week number and year and out pops the date.
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnGetDateFromWeekNo (@weekNo int , @yearNo int) RETURNS smalldatetime AS BEGIN DECLARE @tmpDate smalldatetime IF @weekNo<1 set @weekNo=1 set @tmpdate= cast(cast (@yearNo as varchar) + '-01-01' as smalldatetime) -- jump forward x-1 weeks to save counting through the whole year set @tmpdate=dateadd(wk,@weekno-1,@tmpdate) -- make sure weekno is not out of range if @WeekNo <= datepart(wk,cast(cast (@yearNo as varchar) + '-12-31' as smalldatetime)) BEGIN WHILE (datepart(wk,@tmpdate)<@WeekNo) BEGIN set @tmpdate=dateadd(dd,1,@tmpdate) END END ELSE BEGIN -- invalid weeknumber given set @tmpdate=null END RETURN @tmpDate END
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