The contact management data was going to create and maintain customer accounts in the financial package. The problem was in the access DB each contact had a unique number and in the financial package we needed a reference where the first 2 letters of the customers surname were followed with up to 4 more characters for a unique reference.
In the end I put together this short bit of code that allows you to convert a number to any base. All you have to do is supply the digits to use.
In my case I've used base 33 to pack the id numbers into a shorter format using numbers and letters.
Const vbB2Digits = "01" 'base 2 - Binary Const vbB8Digits = "01234567" 'base 8 - Octal Const vbB10Digits = "0123456789" 'base 10 - Decimal Const vbB10Digits = "0123456789XE" 'base 12 - Dozenal. See Const vbB16Digits = "0123456789ABCDEF" 'base 16 - Hexedecimal Const vbB33Digits = "0123456789ABCDEFGHJKMNPQRSTUVWXYZ" 'base 33 - non similar characters (I,L,O removed) from 0-9 & Alphabet Public Function sEncodeNumber(lNumber As Long, Optional sDigitList As String = vbB10Digits) As String Dim sOutputString As String Dim lTmpNumber As Long Dim lRangeSize As Long Dim lTmpPower As Long Dim lTmpLastPower As Long OutputString = "" lTmpNumber = lNumber lRangeSize = Len(sDigitList) lTmpPower = 1 ' Work with postive numbers If lTmpNumber < 0 Then lTmpNumber = lTmpNumber * -1 End If While lTmpNumber > 0 lTmpLastPower = lTmpPower lTmpPower = lTmpPower * lRangeSize sOutputString = Mid(sDigitList, ((lTmpNumber Mod lTmpPower) / lTmpLastPower) + 1, 1) & sOutputString lTmpNumber = lTmpNumber - (lTmpNumber Mod lTmpPower) Wend ' insert the -ve sign if the orginal number was negative If lNumber < 0 Then sOutputString = "-" & sOutputString End If sEncodeNumber = sOutputString End FunctionFor those maths geeks out there, if you haven't come across dozenal before, have a quick gander at Alex Bellos' blog entires on the subject.
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