I needed a MSSQL trigger to store alterations to data in a table called tblContacts. All changes (i.e. the before & after values) needed to be stored in a table that logs all changes from various tables.
tblAudit Structure
irpEditRecordID (int) dwoEditDate (datetime) swoUser (nvarchar) cwoAction (char) swoRecordID (nvarchar) swoSourceTable (nvarchar) swoSourceField (nvarchar) swoBeforeValue (sql_variant) swoAfterValue (sql_variant)
This is a bit quick and nasty, and probably a bit slow if you've got a table that really gets hammered but it suits my needs. The trigger below will spin through all available fields looking for changes and log them in tblAudit. The payoff is I don't need to remember to update the trigger if I add new fields!
tblContacts Update Trigger
SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO -- Change the trigger name below to reflect your table name CREATE TRIGGER trg_tblContacts_Update -- Change the table name below to reflect the table you want to audit ON dbo.tblContacts FOR UPDATE AS DECLARE @sField VARCHAR(255) DECLARE @sTable VARCHAR(255) DECLARE @sPrimaryKey VARCHAR(255) DECLARE @sSQL VARCHAR(3000) -- SETTINGS -- -- Change the table name below to reflect the table you want to audit SET @sTable = 'tblContacts' -- Change the primary key below to reflect the primary key field for table you want to audit SET @sPrimaryKey = 'irpContact' -- INIT -- SET @sSQL = '' SELECT * INTO #temp_inserted FROM inserted; SELECT * INTO #temp_deleted FROM deleted; DECLARE fields_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = @sTable ORDER BY ordinal_position OPEN fields_cursor -- CHECK CHANGES TO DATA IN EACH FIELD -- FETCH NEXT FROM fields_cursor INTO @sField WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN -- Find and log changes in tblAudit SET @sSQL = ' INSERT INTO tblAudit (dwoEditDate,swouser,cwoAction,swoRecordID,swoSourceTable,swoSourceField, swoBeforeValue,swoAfterValue) ( select GETUTCDATE() as calc_datestamp, system_user as calc_username, ''A'' as calc_status, #temp_inserted.' + @sPrimaryKey + ', ''' + @sPrimaryKey + ''' as calc_TableName, ''' + @sField + ''' as calc_fieldname, #temp_deleted.' + @sField + ', #temp_inserted.' + @sField + ' from #temp_inserted , #temp_deleted where (#temp_deleted.' + @sPrimaryKey + ' = #temp_inserted.' + @sPrimaryKey + ') AND (#temp_inserted.' + @sField + ' != #temp_deleted.' + @sField + ' ) ) ' --PRINT @sSQL EXEC(@sSQL) FETCH NEXT FROM fields_cursor INTO @sField END CLOSE fields_cursor DEALLOCATE fields_cursor GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO
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